We Want To Be Your Accounting Service Provider
Our mission is to build lifelong relationships with the businesses and individuals we serve while guiding them in their future success. Our level of professionalism and care, paired with our experience, allows us to offer a wide range of services at each specific client need.

At Anderson Lampe, P.S., we provide Federal and State Tax Preparation for Individuals, Trusts & Estates, Partnerships, S Corporations, and C Corporations. We E-file all returns and have paperless options for those who request it. Additionally, we can assist with tax planning and making estimated payments for the following tax year.

Full-service bookkeeping and data entry keeps our office fully staffed year-round. Our experienced staff provide services such as:

Anderson Lampe, P.S. prepares compilation services for small companies in accordance with Statements on Standards for Accounting and Review Services (SSARS). Currently, the monthly and annual compilations provided omit substantially all disclosures, yet our office can prepare all types of compilation engagements. Anderson Lampe, P.S. previously performed review engagements, however over the years they moved away from such services. The office is gradually making the shift toward review engagements once again and is open to taking review engagement clients.

Anderson Lampe, P.S. provides full-service payroll for small to medium sized companies including, but not limited to: